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Polar bear - Essay Example The polar bear have versatile systems that empower them to make due in circumpolar Arctic district. The situat...

Monday, December 30, 2019

Should Prostitution Be Sanctioned And Is It Moral

Prostitution is a subject whom numerous individuals today have vocal conclusions about on the off chance that it ought to be sanctioned and is it moral? Can you envision how individuals felt about whores in the nineteenth century? Today individuals think the most exceedingly terrible conceivable things of a lady who whores herself and a less unbending perspective of ladies sexuality exists now very nearly two centuries later than there was then. In 2011 men and ladies can have an alternate perspective of prostitution and particular approaches to adjust the issue. Men today as they did right around 200 years back might want to see prostitution legitimized and directed. Ladies still consider prostitution to be they did an ethical issue that necessities transformed. The information recommends that a couple of things have changed with regards to the discipline and help for prostitution. Lots of researchers like to nitpick this and say that chasing or assembling really merits that title, yet the certainty remains that it is as of now and verifiable universal: all antiquated and current societies have had their own particular type of prostitution, from old Greece and the Aztecs to cutting edge America. Taking a gander at our past, there have been emotional changes in the way people view sex. Much sooner than the 1900s people confined their perspectives in view of the religious organization. Because of the way that they unequivocally focused their concept of sexual thoughtShow MoreRelatedShould Prostitution Be Legalized?1111 Words   |  5 PagesProstitution has been around for a very long time. There has been great debates over the last few decades about prostitution law reform. It is accepted by some, denied by others, or just forbidden. Prostitution is that one thing that people do and does not get brought up for discussion after the fact. It is what some people call dirty and distasteful. But prostitution whether legalized or not will continue to happen. I will argue that prostitution should be legalized because it would bring more benefitRead MoreProstitution And Its Effect On Society Essay1630 Words   |  7 Pages For a free society to keep violent crime to a minimum with little disturbance on individual liberty, government should, alongside prosecuting ‘victimless’ crimes, minimize the opportunity for the corrupt to create victims. Prostitution has been practiced in all ancient and modern cultures. In the United States, prostitution was originally widely legal. Prostitution was made illegal in almost all states between 1910 and 1915 due to the influence of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union which wasRead MoreProstitution Essay1724 Words   |  7 Pages Prostitution has been a part of our worlds culture since the beginning of time, and is the worlds oldest profession. Ever since the beginning of time man has felt the need to pay for services of a sexual nature, whether are legal or not. In our culture; however, prosti tution has become a topic of debate concerning the merits of this professions legality. In viewing the legalization of prostitution one must take into account all the pros and cons of the situation, but more importantly what isRead MoreProstitution Essay1970 Words   |  8 PagesProstitution The concept of prostitution is one that causes a visceral revulsion in conventional Western morality -- a symptom of which is how the many colloquial terms for a prostitute, such as whore, or harlot, are commonly used as denigratory pejoratives towards women. Although a persistent phenomenon throughout human history , it remains difficult to view prostitution in an objective light -- various cultures have alternately tried to ban it on religious or moralistic grounds, or stigmatiseRead MoreThe Issue Of Sex Act1822 Words   |  8 Pagesnot been anything the United States government can do to stop it. There is thought that regulation of the trade might not be too off in the future. No matter what type of sex act is being sold, street prostitution, brothels, escort services, phone sex are all are considered illegal. Prostitution will always exist, it seems more responsible to supervise it instead shoving it underground and pretending it does not exist. In 1792 fewer than 700 men settled in the colony of New Orleans. The FrenchRead MoreProstitution: Sociology1973 Words   |  8 PagesIn terms of sociology, Prostitution is a way for an individual to maximize their monetary intake or in other words â€Å"benefits† by selling the thing that they have readily, their bodies. In other words, it is the act or practice of participating in promiscuous sexual activity especially for money. Prostitution has been in existence for ages, going back to the Byzantine, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian Empires. Ironically, the ancient religions of those eras dealt with the needs of the group and consequentlyRead MoreThe Contagious Diseases Act Of Nineteenth Century Britain Sparked1476 Words   |  6 Pagesissue centred around inequality and misogyny; for men, however, the concern was more about the attack on civil rights, the fact that the Acts showed no signs of improving the rates of venereal disease, and the insult it was to their own reputati ons should their wives or daughters be accused of being a prostitute. In nineteenth-century Britain, prostitutes were considered leftovers of society, degraded to being somehow less than the rest of the population. As such, authorities considered the lawsRead MoreSex For Cash : Her Call2225 Words   |  9 Pagesdenied, under unchanged and antiquated laws enacted over a century ago on prostitution. These are the same law that was initially created to ‘keep the virtue of proper women’ intact for the purposes of marriage and motherhood. Prostitution, which is the trading of sex in exchange for money, remains illegal today to reinforce the negative stigmas and condemn those who are associated with it. However, the primary reason prostitution was criminalized towards the end of the 19th century, was due to suddenRead MorePolice Force And Its Components1350 Words   |  6 Pagesthat paying bribes to police is part of the job. A 2009 government report found that 11,876 public servants had been accused of corruption-related charges since 2002.S ome policewomen have said that taking money from male drivers feels a lot like prostitution. Extortion by criminal groups is now an accepted cost of doing business for small businesses and construction companies in Peru. Unlike the United States of America, Peru’s government and police force do not stress the concept of community policingRead MoreFemale Offenders : Involvement Within Criminal Justice System Essay1603 Words   |  7 Pagesbetween the two is when it comes to children. A male offender who has children are generally not the caregiver or custodian. A female offender is the main provider and have to rely on public assistance.     Challenges within the Court System     Moral discrepancies do exist within the court system according to gender. Not only is there a difference noticed post-sentencing, but there is certainly a difference in how individuals are treated by the court prior to, or at sentencing. Male judges are

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Housing Crisis Center ( Hcc ) - 847 Words

Assessment Housing Crisis Center (HCC) was established over 37 years of pioneering programs and services assisting homeless families and individuals in our community. HCC saw a need to opening the homeless shelter in Dallas, Texas, in 1978. Since that beginning, has added additional programs and services, always in response to needs in the community. The HCC has three target populations to help in the community. One target population is All Citizens Empowered (ACE). To qualify for assistance in the ACE housing program the head-of-households has to have a disabling, mental condition such as schizophrenia, and also have an addiction to substances. Individuals must also be continually homeless. Half of the population that the Housing Crisis†¦show more content†¦HCC constantly assesses its programs and services to see were growth is need for the future. HCC has been involved in joint efforts across Dallas striving to end and avoid homelessness. The HCC is in progress to have new approach es developed with the emphasis on prevention, and housing criteria. This outlined will guide the agency over the next three to five year period. The strategy plan will expands the effort toward homeless teen, short the time that an individuals or families need to be homeless before receiving some help, and have a rapid re-housing for family who become homeless without fault of their own doing. Planning and Development HCC Housing will developed and implement approaches to expands the effort toward homeless teen, short the time that an individuals or families need to be homeless before receiving some help and have a rapid re-housing for family who become homeless without fault of their own doing. HCC lack the availability housing for teens serves to be able to attain permanent housing. Offer programs need is more stable supportive housing for teens. Stable supportive housing that is a specific model of housing designed to serve teens with no family support. HCC will provide ongoing supportive services, such as case management, assistance with daily living skills, and help in accessing services in the community. HCC policy requires

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Vampire Diaries The Awakening Chapter Eleven Free Essays

string(87) " gown in one of the books I used for my oral report, and we’re having it copied\." Elena stumbled down the dim corridor, trying to visualize what was around her. Then the world suddenly flickered to brightness and she found herself surrounded by familiar rows of lockers. Her relief was so great that she almost cried out. We will write a custom essay sample on The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening Chapter Eleven or any similar topic only for you Order Now She’d never have thought she would be so glad just to see. She stood for a minute looking around gratefully. â€Å"Elena! What are you doing out here?† It was Meredith and Bonnie, hurrying down the hall toward her. â€Å"Where have you been?† she said fiercely. Meredith grimaced. â€Å"We couldn’t find Shelby. And when we finally did find him, he was asleep. I’m serious,† she added at Elena’s incredulous look. â€Å"Asleep. And then we couldn’t get him to wake up. It wasn’t until the lights went back on that he opened his eyes. Then we started back to you. But what are you doinghere ?† Elena hesitated. â€Å"I got tired of waiting,† she said as lightly as she could. â€Å"I think we’ve done enough work for one day, anyway.† â€Å"Now you tell us,† said Bonnie. Meredith said nothing, but she gave Elena a keen, searching look. Elena had the uncomfortable feeling that those dark eyes saw beneath the surface. All that weekend and throughout the following week, Elena worked on plans for the Haunted House. There was never enough time to be with Stefan, and that was frustrating, but even more frustrating was Stefan himself. She could sense his passion for her, but she could also sense that he was fighting it, still refusing to be completely alone with her. And in many ways he was just as much a mystery to her as he had been when she first saw him. He never spoke about his family or his life before coming to Fell’s Church, and if she asked any questions he turned them aside. Once she had asked him if he missed Italy, if he was sorry he’d come here. And for an instant his eyes had lightened, the green sparkling like oak leaves reflected in a running stream. â€Å"How could I be sorry, whenyou are here?† he said, and kissed her in a way that put all inquiries out of her mind. In that moment, Elena had known what it was like to be completely happy. She’d felt his joy, too, and when he pulled back she had seen that his face was alight, as if the sun shone through it. â€Å"Oh, Elena,† he’d whispered. The good times were like that. But he had kissed her less and less frequently of late, and she felt the distance between them widening. That Friday, she and Bonnie and Meredith decided to sleep over at the McCulloughs’. The sky was gray and threatening to drizzle as she and Meredith walked to Bonnie’s house. It was unusually chilly for mid-October, and the trees lining the quiet street had already felt the nip of cold winds. The maples were a blaze of scarlet, while the ginkgoes were radiant yellow. Bonnie greeted them at the door with: â€Å"Everybody’s gone! We’ll have the whole house to ourselves until tomorrow afternoon, when my family gets back from Leesburg.† She beckoned them inside, grabbing for the overfed Pekingese that was trying to get out. â€Å"No, Yangtze, stay in. Yangtze, no, don’t! No!† But it was too late. Yangtze had escaped and was dashing through the front yard up to the single birch tree, where he yapped shrilly up into the branches, rolls of fat on his back jiggling. â€Å"Oh, what’s he afternow ?† said Bonnie, putting her hands over her ears. â€Å"It looks like a crow,† said Meredith. Elena stiffened. She took a few steps toward the tree, looking up into the golden leaves. And there it was. The same crow she had seen twice before. Perhaps three times before, she thought, remembering the dark shape winging up from the oak trees in the cemetery. As she looked at it she felt her stomach clench in fear and her hands grow cold. It was staring at her again with its bright black eye, an almost human stare. That eye†¦ where had she seen an eye like that before? Suddenly all three girls jumped back as the crow gave a harsh croak and thrashed its wings, bursting out of the tree toward them. At the last moment it swooped down instead on the little dog, which was now barking hysterically. It came within inches of canine teeth and then soared back up again, flying over the house to disappear into the black walnut trees beyond. The three girls stood frozen in astonishment. Then Bonnie and Meredith looked at each other, and the tension shattered in nervous laughter. â€Å"For a moment I thought he was coming for us,† said Bonnie, going over to the outraged Pekingese and dragging him, still barking, back into the house. â€Å"So did I,† said Elena quietly. And as she followed her friends inside, she did not join in the laughter. Once she and Meredith had put their things away, however, the evening fell into a familiar pattern. It was hard to keep hold of her uneasiness sitting in Bonnie’s cluttered living room beside a roaring fire, with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand. Soon the three of them were discussing the final plans for the Haunted House, and she relaxed. â€Å"We’re in pretty good shape,† said Meredith at last. â€Å"Of course, we’ve spent so much time figuring out everyone else’s costumes that we haven’t even thought about our own.† â€Å"Mine’s easy,† said Bonnie. â€Å"I’m going to be a druid priestess, and I only need a garland of oak leaves in my hair and some white robes. Mary and I can sew it in one night.† â€Å"I think I’ll be a witch,† said Meredith thoughtfully. â€Å"All that takes is a long black dress. What about you, Elena?† Elena smiled. â€Å"Well, it was supposed to be a secret, but†¦ Aunt Judith let me go to a dressmaker. I found a picture of a Renaissance gown in one of the books I used for my oral report, and we’re having it copied. You read "The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening Chapter Eleven" in category "Essay examples" It’s Venetian silk, ice blue, and it’s absolutely beautiful.† â€Å"It sounds beautiful,† Bonnie said. â€Å"And expensive.† â€Å"I’m using my own money from my parents’ trust. I just hope Stefan likes it. It’s a surprise for him, and†¦ well, I just hope he likes it.† â€Å"What’s Stefan going to be? Is he helping with the Haunted House?† said Bonnie curiously. â€Å"I don’t know,† Elena said after a moment. â€Å"He doesn’t seem too thrilled with the whole Halloween thing.† â€Å"It’s hard to see him all wrapped up in torn sheets and covered with fake blood like the other guys,† agreed Meredith. â€Å"He seems†¦ well, too dignified for that.† â€Å"I know!† said Bonnie. â€Å"I know exactly what he can be, and he’ll hardly have to dress up at all. Look, he’s foreign, he’s sort of pale, he has that wonderful brooding look†¦ Put him in tails and you’ve got a perfect Count Dracula!† Elena smiled in spite of herself. â€Å"Well, I’ll ask him,† she said. â€Å"Speaking of Stefan,† said Meredith, her dark eyes on Elena’s, â€Å"how are things going?† Elena sighed, looking away into the fire. â€Å"I’m†¦ not sure,† she said at last, slowly. â€Å"There are times when everything is wonderful, and then there are other times when†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Meredith and Bonnie exchanged a glance, and then Meredith spoke gently. â€Å"Other times when what?† Elena hesitated, debating. Then she came to a decision. â€Å"Just a sec,† she said, and got up and hurried up the stairs. She came back down with a small blue velvet book in her hands. â€Å"I wrote some of it down last night when I couldn’t sleep,† she said. â€Å"This says it better than I could now.† She found the page, took a deep breath, and began: â€Å"October 17 â€Å"Dear Diary, â€Å"I feel awful tonight. AndIhave to share it with someone . â€Å"Something is going wrong with Stefan and me. There is this terrible sadness inside him that I can’t reach, and it’s driving us apart. I don’t know what to do. â€Å"I can’t bear the thought of losing him. But he’s so very unhappy about something, and if he won’t tell me what it is, if he won’t trust me that much, I don’t see any hope for us. â€Å"Yesterday when he was holding me I felt something smooth and round underneath his shirt, something on a chain. I asked him, teasingly, if it was a gift from Caroline. And he just froze and wouldn’t talk anymore. It was as if he were suddenly a thousand miles away, and his eyes†¦ there was so much pain in his eyes that I could hardly stand it.† Elena stopped reading and traced the last lines written in the journal silently with her eyes. I feel as if someone has hurt him terribly in the past and he’s never got over it. But I also think there’s something he’s afraid of, some secret he’s afraid I’ll find out. If I only knew what that was, I could prove to him that he can trust me. That he can trust me no matter what happens, to the end . â€Å"If only I knew,† she whispered. â€Å"If only you knew what?† said Meredith, and Elena looked up, startled. â€Å"Oh-if only I knew what was going to happen,† she said quickly, closing the diary. â€Å"I mean, if I knew we were going to break up eventually, I suppose I’d just want to get it over with. And if I knew it was going to turn out all right in the end, I wouldn’t mind anything that happens now. But just going day after day without being sure is awful.† Bonnie bit her lip, then sat up, eyes sparkling. â€Å"I can show you a way to find out, Elena,† she said. â€Å"My grandmother told me the way to find out who you’re going to marry. It’s called a dumb supper.† â€Å"Let me guess, an old druid trick,† said Meredith. â€Å"I don’t know how old it is,† said Bonnie. â€Å"My grandmother says there have always been dumb suppers. Anyway, it works. My mother saw my father’s image when she tried it, and a month later they were married. It’s easy, Elena; and what have you got to lose?† Elena looked from Bonnie to Meredith. â€Å"I don’t know,† she said. â€Å"But, look, you don’t really believe†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bonnie drew herself up with affronted dignity. â€Å"Are you calling my mother a liar? Oh, come on, Elena, there’s no harm in trying. Why not?† â€Å"What would I have to do?† said Elena doubtfully. She felt strangely intrigued, but at the same time rather frightened. â€Å"It’s simple. We have to get everything ready before the stroke of midnight†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Five minutes before midnight, Elena stood in the McCulloughs’ dining room, feeling more foolish than anything else. From the backyard, she could hear Yangtze’s frantic barking, but inside the house there was no sound except the unhurried tick of the grandfather clock. Following Bonnie’s instructions, she had set the big black walnut table with one plate, one glass, and one set of silverware, all the time not saying a word. Then she had lit a single candle in a candleholder in the center of the table, and positioned herself behind the chair with the place setting. According to Bonnie, on the stroke of midnight she was supposed to pull the chair back and invite her future husband in. At that point, the candle would blow out and she would see a ghostly figure in the chair. Earlier, she’d been a little uneasy about this, uncertain that she wanted to see any ghostly figures, even of her husband-to-be. But just now the whole thing seemed silly and harmless. As the clock began to chime, she straightened up and got a better grip on the chair back. Bonnie had told her not to let go until the ceremony was over. Oh, thiswas silly. Maybe she wouldn’t say the words†¦ but when the clock started to toll out the hour, she heard herself speaking. â€Å"Come in,† she said self-consciously to the empty room, drawing out the chair. â€Å"Come in, come in†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The candle went out. Elena started in the sudden darkness. She’d felt the wind, a cold gust that had blown out the candle. It came from the French doors behind her, and she turned quickly, one hand still on the chair. She would have sworn those doors were shut. Something moved in the darkness. Terror washed through Elena, sweeping away her self-consciousness and any trace of amusement. Oh, God, what had she done, what had she brought on herself? Her heart contracted and she felt as if she had been plunged, without warning, into her most dreadful nightmare. It was not only dark but utterly silent; there was nothing to see and nothing to hear, and she was falling†¦ â€Å"Allow me,† said a voice, and a bright flame sputtered in the darkness. For a terrible, sickening instant she thought it was Tyler, remembering his lighter in the ruined church on the hill. But as the candle on the table sprang to life, she saw the pale, long-fingered hand that held it. Not Tyler’s beefy red fist. She thought for an instant it was Stefan’s, and then her eyes lifted to the face. â€Å"You!† she said, astounded. â€Å"What do you think you’re doing here?† She looked from him to the French doors, which were indeed open, showing the side lawn. â€Å"Do you always just walk into other people’s houses uninvited?† â€Å"But you asked me to come in.† His voice was as she remembered it, quiet, ironical and amused. She remembered the smile, too. â€Å"Thank you,† he added, and gracefully sat down in the chair she had drawn out. She snatched her hand off the back. â€Å"I wasn’t invitingyou ,† she said helplessly, caught between indignation and embarrassment. â€Å"What were you doing hanging around outside Bonnie’s house?† He smiled. In the candlelight, his black hair shone almost like liquid, too soft and fine for human hair. His face was very pale, but at the same time utterly compelling. And his eyes caught her own and held them. † ‘Helen, thy beauty is to me/Like those Nicean barks of yore/That gently, over a perfumed sea†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ † â€Å"I think you’d better leave now.† She didn’t want him to talk anymore. His voice did strange things to her, made her feel oddly weak, started a melting in her stomach. â€Å"You shouldn’t be here. Please.† She reached for the candle, meaning to take it and leave him, fighting off the dizziness that threatened to overcome her. But before she could grasp it, he did something extraordinary. He caught her reaching hand, not roughly but gently, and held it in his cool slender fingers. Then he turned her hand over, bent his dark head, and kissed her palm. â€Å"Don’t†¦Ã¢â‚¬  whispered Elena, stunned. â€Å"Come with me,† he said, and looked up into her eyes. â€Å"Please don’t†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she whispered again, the world swimming around her. He was mad; what was he talking about? Come with him where? But she felt so dizzy, so faint. He was standing, supporting her. She leaned against him, felt those cool fingers on the first button of the shirt at her throat, â€Å"Please, no†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"It’s all right. You’ll see.† He pulled the shirt away from her neck, his other hand behind her head. â€Å"No.† Suddenly, strength returned to her, and she jerked away from him, stumbling against the chair. â€Å"I told you to leave, and I meant it. Get out-now!† For an instant, pure fury surged in his eyes, a dark wave of menace. Then they went calm and cold and he smiled, a swift, brilliant smile that he turned off again instantly. â€Å"I’ll leave,† he said. â€Å"For the moment.† She shook her head and watched him go out the French doors without speaking. When they had shut behind him, she stood in the silence, trying to get her breath. The silence†¦ but it shouldn’t be silent. She turned toward the grandfather clock in bewilderment and saw that it had stopped. But before she could examine it closely, she heard Meredith’s and Bonnie’s raised voices. She hurried out into the hall, feeling the unaccustomed weakness in her legs, pulling her shirt back up and buttoning it. The back door was open, and she could see two figures outside, stooping over something on the lawn. â€Å"Bonnie? Meredith? What’s wrong?† Bonnie looked up as Elena reached them. Her eyes were filled with tears. â€Å"Oh, Elena, he’s dead.† With a chill of horror, Elena stared down at the little bundle at Bonnie’s feet. It was the Pekingese, lying very stiffly on his side, eyes open. â€Å"Oh, Bonnie,† she said. â€Å"He was old,† said Bonnie, â€Å"but I never expected him to go this quickly. Just a little while ago, he was barking.† â€Å"I think we’d better go inside,† said Meredith, and Elena looked up at her and nodded. Tonight was not a night to be out in the dark. It was not a night to invite things inside, either. She knew that now, although she still didn’t understand what had happened. It was when they got back in the living room that she found her diary was missing. Stefan lifted his head from the velvet-soft neck of the doe. The woods were filled with night noises, and he couldn’t be sure which had disturbed him. With the Power of his mind distracted, the deer roused from its trance. He felt muscles quiver as she tried to get her feet under her. Go, then, he thought, sitting back and releasing her entirely. With a twist and a heave, she was up and running. He’d had enough. Fastidious, he licked at the corners of his mouth, feeling his canine teeth retract and blunt, oversensitive as always after a prolonged feed. It was hard to know what enough was anymore. There had been no spells of dizziness since the one beside the church, but he lived in fear of their return. He lived in one specific fear: that he would come to his senses one day, his mind reeling with confusion, to find Elena’s graceful body limp in his arms, her slim throat marked with two red wounds, her heart stilled forever. That was what he had to look forward to. The blood lust, with all its myriad terrors and pleasures, was a mystery to him even now. Although he had lived with it every day for centuries, he still did not understand it. As a living human, he would no doubt have been disgusted, sickened, by the thought of drinking the rich warm stuff directly from a breathing body. That is, if someone had proposed such a thing to him in so many words. But no words had been used that night, the night Katherine had changed him. Even after all these years, the memory was clear. He had been asleep when she appeared in his chamber, moving as softly as a vision or a ghost. He had been asleep, alone†¦ She was wearing a fine linen shift when she came to him. It was the night before the day she had named, the day when she would announce her choice. And she came to him. A white hand parted the curtains around his bed, and Stefan woke from sleep, sitting up in alarm. When he saw her, pale golden hair gleaming about her shoulders, blue eyes lost in shadow, he was struck silent with amazement. And with love. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. He trembled and tried to speak, but she put two cool fingers over his lips. â€Å"Hush,† she whispered, and the bed sank under new weight as she got in. His face flamed, his heart was thundering with embarrassment and with excitement. There had never been a woman in his bed before. And this was Katherine, Katherine whose beauty seemed to come from heaven, Katherine whom he loved more than his own soul. And because he loved her, he made a great effort. As she slipped under the sheets, drawing so near to him that he could feel the cool freshness of night air in her thin shift, he managed to speak. â€Å"Katherine,† he whispered. â€Å"We-I can wait. Until we are married in the church. I will have my father arrange it next week. It-it will not be long†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Hush,† she whispered again, and he felt that coolness on his skin. He couldn’t help himself; he put his arms around her, holding her to him. â€Å"What we do now has nothing to do with that,† she said, and reached out her slim fingers to stroke his throat. He understood. And felt a flash of fear, which disappeared as her fingers went on stroking. He wanted this, wanted anything that would let him be with Katherine. â€Å"Lie back, my love,† she whispered. My love. The words sang through him as he lay back on the pillow, tilting his chin back so that his throat was exposed. His fear was gone, replaced by a happiness so great that he thought it would shatter him. He felt the soft brush of her hair on his chest, and tried to calm his breathing. He felt her breath on his throat, and then her lips. And then her teeth. There was a stinging pain, but he held himself still and made no sound, thinking only of Katherine, of how he wished to give to her. And almost at once the pain eased, and he felt the blood being drawn from his body. It was not terrible, as he had feared. It was a feeling of giving, of nurturing. Then it was as if their minds were merging, becoming one. He could feel Katherine’s joy in drinking from him, her delight in taking the warm blood that gave her life. And he knew she could feel his delight in giving. But reality was receding, the boundaries between dreams and waking becoming blurred. He could not think clearly; he could not think at all. He could onlyfeel , and his feelings were spiraling up and up, carrying him higher and higher, breaking his last ties with earth. Sometime later, without knowing how he had gotten there, he found himself in her arms. She was cradling him like a mother holding an infant child, guiding his mouth to rest on the bare flesh just above the low neck of her night shift. There was a tiny wound there, a cut showing dark against the pale skin. He felt no fear or hesitation, and when she stroked his hair encouragingly, he began to suck. Cold and precise, Stefan brushed dirt off his knees. The human world was asleep, lost in stupor, but his own senses were knife-keen. He should have been sated, but he was hungry again; the memory had wakened his appetite. Nostrils flaring wide to catch the musky scent of fox, he began to hunt. How to cite The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening Chapter Eleven, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Development of Emancipatory Accounting †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Development of Emancipatory Accounting. Answer: Introduction: After the significant emergence and development of Islamic culture along with Islamic financial system and their associate institutions, the economy has realized the need of Islamic accounting. Islamic society operates their business under various assumptions and principles, where the Shariah describes duties related to customers, employments and competitors (Hamid, 2018). The two basic principles, based on which this accounting operates, are justice and benevolence. To conduct the research in an efficient way, it is essential for the researcher to analyze some basic aims and objectives based on which the research can proceed further (Retsikas, 2017). Here, the concerned person is trying to find out the future of Islamic accounting as this system differs with other accounting system by providing risk averse and stable option. To analyze the future of Islamic accounting worldwide To analyze about the role of Islamic banks in different countries To determine various advantages and disadvantages related to this accounting To analyze the difference between the Islamic finance and the conventional finance Research questions: Based on the above-mentioned aims and objectives, the researcher can set some questions from which the concerned person can precede research work further. What is the future of Islamic accounting in this world? What is the chief role of an Islamic bank in a country? What are the various advantages and disadvantages of the Islamic accounting? How does the Islamic finance differ with conventional fianc? Literature Review: According to the Amela Trokic, to understand about the development of Islamic accounting and its probability to grow in future, it is essential to understand about the historic influence of this accounting over the conventional one. The journal has described importance of Islamic accounting based on some historical evidences. In this regard, the author has described some historic events like the era of the second Caliph of Umar and the period of the Prophet Muhammad (Trokic, 2015). From analyzing the development of Islamic accounting, the author has traced out the modern scenario of Islamic accounting after which the author has drawn the difference between Islamic accounting with the conventional one. In another literature, the author Rania Kamla has narrated the thought of critical Muslim intellectuals based on some empirical thoughts. This paper has been represented the thoughts of Critical Muslim Intellectuals (CMIs) based on philosophy, second modernity and cultural hybridity (Ka mla, 2015). In this context, Pejman Abedifar has described the importance of Islamic banking and finance and other authors, who have done future research on those financial institutions based on empirical literature. After the finding, authors have found out some chief outcomes, as Islamic banks are efficient to conduct the financial operation in the market by providing lower default compare to that of conventional counterparts (Abedifar et al., 2015). Hence, being the most competitive financial institutions in the market, those banks can promote financial inclusion along with economic development. To understand the future of Islamic accounting based on business study, the researcher, through analyzing the Islamic accounting market of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), intense to find the answers of all questions that are mentioned before. Firstly, to understand the implications of Islamic accounting on this specified country, it is essential to consider some sample of both Islamic and conventional banks, based on which the concerned person can conduct a research (Besley, Vijver, Behrens Bosker, 2017). As the country possesses many financial institutions, it can be beneficial for the researcher to collect data from some specific banks of both types (Karim, Alhabshi, Kassim Haron, 2018). Secondly, the researcher needs to analyze the operational function between an Islamic bank and a conventional bank. To collect data on interest rate and profit creation of both kinds of banks, the concerned person, through maintain data on excel sheet, can represent different outcomes through sta tistical diagram (Bubenik, 2015). Moreover, to understand the implications of those financial banks on economic development, the researcher can analyze the amount of contribution through financial aid on UAE (Chattha Alhabshi, 2018). Hence, by comparing those financial statements with secondary data, the researcher can predict that whether Islamic accounting. Conclusion: In conclusion, it can be stated that the researcher intends to analyze the future of Islamic accounting and for doing so; the person has set some aims and objectives. The chief focus of this report is to examine the role of Islamic bank and to understand its advantages and disadvantages; the concerned person is seeking to distinguish between these Islamic banks with the conventional one. Moreover, to support this research, the researcher has also done a literature review related to this topic. References: Abedifar, P., Ebrahim, S. M., Molyneux, P., Tarazi, A. (2015). Islamic banking and finance: recent empirical literature and directions for future research.Journal of Economic Surveys,29(4), 637-670. Besley, A., Vijver, M. G., Behrens, P., Bosker, T. (2017). A standardized method for sampling and extraction methods for quantifying microplastics in beach sand.Marine pollution bulletin,114(1), 77-83. Bubenik, P. (2015). 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The gift of future time: Islamic welfare and entrepreneurship in 21st century Indonesia.South East Asia Research,25(3), 284-300. Trokic, A. (2015). Islamic Accounting; History, Development and Prospects.European Journal of Islamic Finance, (3).